Norwegian Church Aid

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), "Kirkens Nødhjelp" in Norwegian, is an independent humanitarian and ecumenical organisation with headquarters in Oslo, Norway. The organisation also has offices in 65 countries worldwide and receives funding from the Norwegian Protestant church, their institutions and congregations, the Norwegian state, and from private donors. NCA works to uphold people's basic rights around the world - and to save and protect lives and develop sustainable living conditions for the world's poorest and most vulnerable people, regardless of gender, political belief, religion or ethnic origin.


Organisational values

The organisation bases its work around five core values:

The way NCA works

Norwegian Church Aid's work falls into three categories of approach:-

Norwegian Church Aid believes that poor and oppressed people know themselves best how their situation can be improved; it is for this reason that NCA works in close cooperation with locally-based partner organisations in the 65 countries in which the organisation is active. This method also goes a long way to ensuring that any contribution made to local society is both lasting and anchored within the community. NCA is an active member of ACT International, a global network of over 700 churches and church-based organisations.

Thematic priorities


Norwegian Church Aid’s youth movement, Changemaker, organises campaigns, courses, camps and local projects for its many thousands of members aged 13 - 30. Changemaker's main priority is to encourage young people to take an interest in global issues and speak out against injustice. Changemaker's offices are housed within NCA headquarters in Oslo.

Working in Alliance

CLWR is a member of ACT Development, a global alliance of churches and related agencies working on development that are committed to working together, as well as ACT International.

External links